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Tuesday 27 November 2012


Last week post talked about how to start changing unhealthy habits with healthy ones.  An important thing to do is to change some nutrition habits, since what you eat can prevent you to becoming fit. Do you know that there are certain drinks that affect your health and prevent you to lose weight increasing your calorie intake?

Keep reading and get to know the 8 worst drinks we should stop drinking.
Believe it or not, drinking juices are one of the worst drink children and adults drink. They have a lot of sugar and do not provide any nutritional benefits. Juice drinkers are tented to eat more calories during the day and gain weight rapidly.
Unfortunately non organic milk is full of preservatives. Even though, milk contain a lot of calcium and vitamins; it is a modify food. The antibodies that are transfer when dairy cows are treated can affect your antibodies resistance. On the other hand, organic milk contains omega 3 which reduces inflammation and promotes fat reduction by lowing cholesterol.
Some alternatives to non-organic milk are soy milk and almond milk
NO!!! I know most of us enjoy drinking coffee; sometimes you might feel you need it. Coffee contains   caffeine, a substance that gives you energy, yet it promotes dehydration.  Moreover, they add a lot of calories to your diet since coffees are lauded with sugar, cream, and high fat milk.
They are typically used for rehydration; however, its higher content of sugar promotes dehydration. They contain around 6 ½ spoons of sugar per portion. Something to remember is that exercising less than an hour does not require your body to be replenished for electrolytes. It is after a longer period and high intense exercise session that require you to replenish electrolytes.

It promotes de hydration and loss of B vitamin leading to low energy levels. Moreover, margaritas, pine colada or high alcohol drinks have again tons of calories and sugar; something to consider if you do not want to gain weight.

44% of no sugar drinkers are estimated to experience a metabolic syndrome which is characterize by an increase in waist circumference and low HDL, is high blood pressure. Since they are full of artificial sweetener your body will carve for sugar.
They are everywhere and everyone drink them without realizing how many substances have which research show are not good for your health.

It you are looking for a way to lose weight you definitely need to stop drinking pop. It is nutritionally empty and it is full of sugar.

So, I really encourage you to focus on your nutrition and try to reduce those unhealthy foods. You can do it!








Friday 16 November 2012


I have been posting and sharing many pictures and tips about fitness and how fit people train, but it was until I read one of my follower’s comment  posted below that made me think you might be in the same situation…
“I'm sure enough of you who have been reading the posts on this page feel motivated enough to start exercising, but many of you also are in the position of wanting to do it but don't know how to start’’
Moreover, you see all those pictures of people that are ripped performing routines and you might think… 
I won’t be able to do it, I am not as fit as the guy in the video is or even say as my friend commented;
"There are tons of ads out there regarding what food to eat and what exercises to do that will tone this tone that...but for some of us it may be nearly impossible to follow such things because let’s face it we live in a real world"
All I can say is Rome was not built in a day (Tony Horton said that in his "P90X Chest and Back " video)… it took a while but if you are ready to start and you don’t know how, let me share with you how  I do it!
1.       Set a  goal, be specific
2.       Start by making a list of all the changes you should do in order to become fit and reach your goal.
3.       Choose one of the points in the list and try to stick to it. These changes includes:
a.       Adding a portion of veggies to your mea
b.      Substitute white carbohydrates with brown ones, such as brown rice. Whole wheat tortilla, whole wheat grain or even gluten free options,
c.       Increase your fiber intake
d.      Substitute saturate fats with good fats found in nuts, almonds, avocado, olive oil
e.      Avoid fried foods
f.        Reduce the amount of sugar you consume a day
g.       Add a glass of water
h.      Substitute pop for natural juices  or even better drink water
i.         Walk instead of taking the bus
j.        Add protein to your diet

Start doing some of the challenges that I posted on my Facebook page. They are short and effective. These challenges will help you build strength and get into a habit.
The main point of this post is to start little by little, get comfortable with that change and keep adding another one. You will be surprised to see that what seen hard to an impossible to do is now so easy.

 You will feel and look amazing.
Just remember it is worth it!

Thursday 8 November 2012


Do you remember the last time you stayed awake all night either because of school, work and regular life activities?
Were you all grumpy? I bet you were.  Lack of sleep will not only  change your tempter, it will also affect your metabolic functions leading to chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and insulin resistance taking you away from reaching your fitness goals.
Why do we sleep?
 We all love to sleep and being honest we all need it. It is while we sleep that our body start working in order to repair itself and perform its metabolic functions — processes essential for sustaining life. Jennifer Kolso, a specialist from Precision Nutrition, states that metabolic processes are influenced by hormones during sleeping time which regulate may human functions.
  Some examples of hormones involved in sleep include:
  • Leptin and ghrelin, two hormones involved in appetite control;
  • Insulin, a key player involved in processing the foods that we eat and maintaining normal blood sugar levels; and
  • Melatonin, secreted by the pineal gland, is involved in both regulating our body clock (aka circadian rhythm) as well as keeping glucose levels stable.

By Jennifer Kolso
Insulin resistance 

What is it?
 It is a metabolic syndrome where the body uses insulin less effectively than normal. Insulin is needed to help control the amount of sugar in the body.  If the insulin levels rise glucose will be circulating in your blood system and will end storing in the body as fat.
If you wonder why you can get rid of that layer of belly fat, you might have to check not only your nutrition, exercise plan but also your sleep.
Remember, scientists state healthy subcutaneous fat depends on insulin being able to do its job. If insulin metabolism isn’t working properly, we risk type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders.
 What are you waiting?  Go to sleep!

Tuesday 30 October 2012


This Hallowe’en ….

The zombies are here!  The zombies are coming and you better be fit in order to run away from them.  You don’t want to be hiding when they take over, do you?  Do not worry, I will help you!
Improve your stamina, core-strength and fitness levels with this Challenge provided by the legendary Frank
 Zombie Preparedness Challenge 
By: Tribe Sports and Frank P
·         Warm Up - 50 pushups - 50 crunches - 50 squats
·         3 Rounds For Time
·         RUN 1 mile
·         50 Pushups
·         50 Crunches
·         50 Squats
·         Post time
This challenge focuses on building strong core muscles.  Many people even fitness practitioners do not realize the importance of training their core, missing all the benefits. Do you know why is it that important?
It prevents injuries as a result of daily activities. People must have a strong and flexible core, since your core provides support to your body.

Another reason for training your core is the SIX PACK you might obtain if you combine nutrition with exercise. Remember nutrition plays an important component if you want to see results.  
Strength will come with time. The more you focus on stimulating your core muscles, and not annihilating them, you will built strength. 
Not all types of physical activity are suitable for everyone.

Monday 29 October 2012



You name it!!

Hey everyone!!

This space is for all of you to share what do you think?

Thursday 18 October 2012



 Thank you for sharing those owesome quotes.
1. I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. -Michael Jordan

2. Strive for progress, not perfection. -Unknown

3. You want me to do something... tell me I can't do it. -Maya Angelou

4. If you don’t make mistakes, you aren’t really trying. –Unknown

5. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. -Mahatma Gandhi

6. Motivation will almost always beat mere talent. -Norman R. Augustine

7. Energy and persistence conquer all things. -Benjamin Franklin

8. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

9. Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. -Lou Holtz

10. Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. -Jim Ryan

11. Fear is what stops you... courages is what keeps you going. -Unknown

12. The finish line is just the beginning of a whole new race. -Unknown

13. The difference between a goal and a dream is a deadline. -Steve Smith

14. It's never too late to become what you might have been. -George Elliot

15. Clear your mind of can’t. -Samuel Johnson